The Extreme: CO-LAB-ORARE
Why is today seen as an extreme what our grandparents taught us to preserve? ORARE: To beg, pray, beseech Main forms : Oro, Orare, Oravi, Oratus Why can´t we just "co"work in a "lab"where we can beseech for better COOPERATION? CO-OPERATION Of lat. collaborāre. 1. intr. Work with other people or team in the realization of a work. 2. intr. Writing regularly in a newspaper or magazine, without being part of the editorial staff. 3. int. contribute (to concur with a quantity). 4. intr. contribute (to help others to achieve some purpose). We, Latin People, love to "CO-LABORAR / CO-OPERAR / CO-INCIDIR". Yes, we are "Latin". And Latin is extreme: "the new normal"... The COMMUNITY, the COLOR, the CORRESPONDENCE, the CORRELIGIONARY SPIRIT, and other forms of "COWORKING" are nothing but just ways of expressing the solution to polarization: DIALOGUE & COOPERATION. The recent Anglo-Saxon EGO has taken with it the Latin Common: the communal soul, the correspondence in the acts, and lately, the common in the religious freedom: the co-religion. Our "Palo Alto" society is full of “TAGS” that push us to extremes: - Someone who talks about religion is extreme inside the right. - Someone who mentions community is extreme inside the left. - Someone who talks about dialogue is extremely lukewarm. - Anyone who says we have to reciprocate is extremely foolish. And yes: for we, Latin People, the really extreme thing, after the compulsory confinement in our homes, is our reencounter with what we loved: our families. The household is alien to the individual, punishes the egocentric, and sees as vain what our grandparents taught us to discard: the lack of collaboration. It is extreme to work from home as a place where we can CO-LAB-ORARE: Where we have our small office, where we develop our laboratory of new genetic principles as a regenerated DNA@+, and where we have our own church. We are called now to "CO-LABORARE", because it requires working, working, and more working. But not with Me, Myself and I, but with you, us, and ourselves. The new normal is compelling us to making a conscious effort, and leaving the oneself in the hands of the immanent: being and knowing how to do permanently... 1. CO_MUNITY, 2. LA_BOR, 3. B_USINESS & 4. ORAR_E Getting on the B side is extreme in these times when the lights only focus on the A side. Getting low and getting down on your knees sounds almost ridiculous, especially if it’s for prayer. Working without pay and for the community often sounds almost foolish, because we don’t know how to collaborate anymore, and we are reaching a point where society sees dialogue as "extremely" ridiculous. From the left, they don’t want to talk to "pedophile" priests, "stupid" Catholics, and "ridiculous" Christians. From the right, they do not want to dialogue with the "statist" communists, the "utopian" socialists, and the "absurd" social democrats. A sea of qualifying "adjectives" aimed at extinguishing the other: “you cannot talk to terrorists”; “you can’t be so naive to think that big business is not our enemy”; “if you don’t arm yourself and ask for the death penalty for "narcos", you’re not a patriot”; “if the Sanhattan Banking Government is not overthrown, there is no solution...” The "X" Way sounds strange to our Latin Spirit. It is true that what is ilegal should be punished, but tensioning the cord is not the only way to gains followers: it is obvious that if we cultivate morbidity we will get violence and that will convert into money, but, at what cost? To accumulate comes from the very heart of our animal nature, but we are called to something more, right? It is not unusual that someone who turns the other cheek, or who raises “with a verse, a truth”, or “with a 'versiculum', THE Truth”, whether from the left, or from the right, is crossed out as an extreme. Those who put these elements as something "extreme" only follow the Roman doctrine of Julius Caesar: “Divide and conquer.” They want us divided. They keep pushing us downstairs. Therefore, the extreme is to dialogue, to build community, to work, to voluntarily put our self on the “B” side, but by millions, to work from the “Base", and to pray: always, on our knees, or to meditate if wer are not believers: with yoga, if we like, or climbing, if it pleases us, or running, if we are born for that; or watering our plants, if we enjoy reborns. We are called to follow the rule of Saint Benedict, to get ahead in these challenging times: “Ora et Labora”, and to be, at the same time, extremes: to do it in "CO-LAB-ORACIÓN": Urbi et Orbi, to survive like little ants after the worst storm: to live. Per Secula Seculorum: For ever and ever, in our cities and our world, praying and working. That’s our DNA@+ Why?... Watch, please: Tras mirar en Inglés, pensémoslo y dialoguémoslo en Castellano... COLABORAR ¿Por qué hoy es visto como extremo lo que nuestros abuelos nos enseñaron a conservar? COLABORAR Del lat. collaborāre. 1. intr. Trabajar con otra u otras personas en la realización de una obra. 2. intr. Escribir habitualmente en un periódico o en una revista, sin pertenecer a la plantilla de redactores. 3. intr. contribuir (‖ concurrir con una cantidad). 4. intr. contribuir (‖ ayudar con otros al logro de algún fin). CO-LABORAR / CO-OPERAR / CO-INCIDIR Lo COMUN, lo COMUNITARIO, lo CORRESPONDIENTE, lo CORRELIGIONARIO, no son sino formas de expresar la solución a la polarización: COLABORAR. El EGO se ha llevado consigo lo común, lo comunitario, la correspondencia en los actos, y últimamente, lo común en lo religioso, lo correligionario. Nuestra sociedad está llena de "TAGS" que nos esquinan hacia los extremos: - Alguien que habla de religión es extremo de derecha. - Alguien que mencione lo comunitario es extremo de izquierda. - Alguien que hable de dialogar es extremadamente tibio. - Quien diga que hay que corresponder, es extremadamente tonto. Y sí: lo verdaderamente extremo, tras el encierro obligatorio en el hogar, es lo ajeno a lo individual, egocéntrico, y vano que nuestros abuelos nos enseñaron a desechar: el colaborar. Es extremo, porque exige trabajar, trabajar, hacer un esfuerzo cosciente, y dejarse en manos de lo inmanente: ser y saber hacer de forma permanente... 1. CO: MUNIDAD 2. LA: BORAR 3. B: AJARSE 4. ORAR Ponerse en el lado B es extremo en estos tiempos en los que las luces solo enfocan al lado A. Bajarse y ponerse de rodillas suena casi ridículo, sobre todo si es para orar. Laborar sin paga y por la comunidad muchas veces suena casi ridículo, porque no sabemos ya colaborar, y vemos como extremadamente ridículo el dialogar. Desde la izquierda, no quieren dialogar con los curas pedófilos, los tontos católicos y ridículos cristianos. Desde la derecha, no quieren dialogar con los comunistas estatistas, los socialistas utópicos y los absurdos social-demócratas. Un mar de adjetivos calificativos que apuntan a extinguir al otro: "no se puede dialogar con terroristas"; "no se puede ser tan ingenuo de pensar que el gran capital no es nuestro enemigo"; "si no te armas y pides la pena de muerte para los narcos, no eres patriota"; "si no se tumba al gobierno banquero de 'Sanhattan', no hay solución"... La Vía X suena Extraña, pero gana adeptos: es evidente: cultiva el morbo de la violencia que nos nace de la entraña misma de nuestra naturaleza animal. Nada raro que quien da la otra mejilla, o quien plantea "con un verso, una verdad", o "con un versículo, la verdad", sea desde la izquierda, o desde la derecha, sea tachado de extremo . Quienes ponen esos elementos solo siguen la doctrina romana de Julio César: "Divide y vencerás". Nos quieren divididos. Nos siguen pegando abajo. Por ello, lo extremo es dialogar, construir comunidad, laborar, ponerse en el lado "B", por millones, trabajar desde la "B"ase, y orar: todo un siempre, de rodillas, o meditar si no se es creyente, con yoga, si le place, o escalando, si le satisface, o corriendo, si le nace; o regando, si le renace. Estamos llamados a seguir la regla de San Benito, para salir adelante en estos tiempos desafientes: "Ora et Labora", y a ser, junto a ello, extremos: hacerlo en CO-LA-B-ORACION: Urbi et Orbi, para sobrevivir como pequeñas hormigas tras la peor tormenta: para vivir. Per Secula Seculorum: Por los siglos de los siglos, en nuestras ciudades y nuestro mundo, orando y trabajando. Ese es nuestro ADN@+