UF CHILE, 2005-2021
Here the evolution 2005-2021 of the UF (1): The "New Normal" does not show changes 2020-2021 in relation to the trend of the last 15 years in Chile. Once the inoculation gets complete, and the quarantines work, the Promotion/Development Unit of Chile shows signs of strength ("Unidad de Fomento" as a Measurement of stability of prices in the long run). We hope for the best, even including the events of social unrest of October 2019 ("Estallido Social") due to the democratic treatment that the country has assigned to the issue, controlling the revolt via political mechanisms that have not translated to the core of the long-run perspectives of the economy. HEXAGON GROUP / ADN@+ (1) "The unit of promotion allows to express the prices of purchase and sale of houses. Although it is normally used to report prices, especially when it comes to the value of homes, the Unidad de Fomento (UF) is not money. It is actually one of the systems to express indexation (that is, the updated value of a currency, depending on inflation) that have been authorized by the Central Bank of Chile under the provisions of number 9 of article 35 of its Constitutional Organic Law. According to the definition of this organization, the UF is readjusted from the tenth day of each month and until the ninth day of the following month, on a daily basis, at the geometric average rate corresponding to the variation that the Price Index has experienced. The adjustment relates to the Consumer behaviour measured and determined by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) in the calendar month immediately prior to the period for which said unit is calculated. See: https://www.cmfeduca.cl/educa/600/w3-article-27474.html CALL FOR IMPACT INVESTORS IN CHILE: https://www.adnplus.co.uk/plans-pricing