English + Castellano (Abajo)
Do the right-wing leaders of the region, in good Chilean, show the thread when they do not defend the Continent against violence?
Some say the center acts in a similar way.
America has become the continent where politicians blame each other, and where citizens do not trust anymore in politicians. True, but that is not the point. It is not a failure competition.
The hope, according to polls is going towards the center-right (see references in Spanish, below), that is expected to raise its sociological space by creating the ultimate hope of freedom for "Business-in-the-Community" Investing.
Meanwhile, countries lose stability; international credit rating agencies watch a continent falling apart in its economy while politicians who defend the market shamelessly hand over the economy to the global state (and surrender the leadership in hands of Asia?)
Asia Vs America
Certainly, the issues are not, currently, right vs. left; however, things will always be about real economic development vs. stagnation and structural global conquer and local voids of unemployment.
There is no promised justice that can occur over a vacuum.
The hope for freedom was quite affirmed in the region in the 80s. Latin America, and America itself, are departing from that "Washington Consensus". Perhaps Europe is also experiencing something similar about the OTAN in its own way.
The European-way could be in trouble after Brexit and other expected processes that are on the way. It would seem that the leadership of the right-wing in those countries, however, has mutated to a continental structure that is working long ago: one that made its own political evolution towards an equilibrium that we only see at a larger distance year-after-year while we seat ourselves in a chair inside our comfort balcony.
Here and now: there is uneasiness in Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Mexico, Bolivia, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, the Dominican Republic, Paraguay, Suriname, Nicaragua, and other Central American countries, and what about Cuba and Venezuela; perhaps there is less uncertainty in Canada, Uruguay, Costa Rica, or even Panama and the Caribbean, but a regional leadership that does not "show the thread" is missing.
The situation was not going well
We had discussed it in November 2019, in Washington, when we launched the Santa Cruz Network, which had been planned since 2017 to be launched in March 2020, having to be later only postponed (until March 2021), while the pandemic arose, unexpectedly and until it would be under control (hopefully). But let's not be fooled by COVID19. Things were already bad.
Today that we begin to come out of the confusion, we face reality again.
The world ceases to be in suspense and returns to uneasiness.
We are already starting a new cycle. Herd immunity and the economic downturn are giving way to the reality of unemployment, lack of income, but also something more fundamentally structural: the lack of agreements: the lack of a model.
The lack of connection with positive DNA.
Five key ideas here:
It is not a time of polarization or ideologies. It is a time of truth over lies.
It is well said that we live in the time of post-truth, post-modernism, and relativism.
It is insufferable for citizens to see how American politicians progress day-to-day in their night-and-night obscuring of realities.
American practices are similar to those of the "Night of the Long Knives". Like in old National Socialist Germany.
As Hitler did, the American leaders are doing purges for concentrating power. As happened with German old-right leaders, when as traditional groups they "showed the lint", Latin American right-wing leaders are letting their countries go where it is going (or already went) and are delivering the world away from America, away from its coasts.
It is not possible. Is not acceptable.
America can be a beacon of freedom to the world once again.
It is not just about one country, but about an entire continent. If walking politically makes any sense, it must be a walk around America, in the North, Center, and South, as a “New Continent”. A walk that must illuminate freedom and create a new imaginary for the global pacts of Freedom.
Asia has done its part. They have their model and are successful in their economies, but still, they require more walk in their desired goals: socially, and even politically. Europe has its model and is relatively successful socially, and perhaps a little less politically, but it has problems economically, with the old and familiar "Euro-Sclerosis" still running.
Oceania has its world apart, literally. The future is being watched very carefully in Africa, where cooperation and investment are generating a valuable process of hope for getting a continent that embraces their route-maps for escaping out of poverty. Africa is already building an intelligentsia that is beginning to sprout.
Back to America
The word "development" and the process of being a "developing continent" is something we believed-in during the 80s and 90s in Latin America. For those years, Poverty in Africa still abounded. Now, in 2020, poverty still abounds in Africa, while in Latin America, it was about to disappear... Until now.
We need to remember our history, recover our roots, reorder our institutions, and reshape our agreements and act accordingly in the political arena.
The fight in our continent is for justice, and it is fine, but we cannot stop competing against Asia and now against Africa, in search for a justice that may not come if the parties in the right "let us see the thread" and only build an economic discourse and do not build a fair sense of social freedom.
It is time to join modern entrepreneurs, with a regional and global vision.
It is time to join modern entrepreneurs, with a regional and global vision, but also is time for using technology for shaping the policies in the Continent, like years ago was done by Europe, the UK, and is now proposed by London, Berlin and other capitals of the Old World:
It is time to build Latin American projects in Chile, Ecuador, and other key countries.
It is time to invest with impact from New York, London, and other key metropolis.
It is time to lead -globally- under an Anglo-Saxon model of libertarian freedom.
We need entrepreneurs in the front. From a business point of view, it is time to lead and do business together with urban and rural communities in local cities of Latin America. The US in America has regained momentum, and some countries (e.g. Ecuador) are dollarized already. It is only natural to see how development does not mean there to leave everything in the hands of the state.
It is our time to be libertarians. Liberal-libertarians.
We can get started building a continent of employment and opportunities: a continent full of voluntary partnerships. The state must exist and be strong, for sure, but it must return power to markets and communities.
Let´s believe and walk the talk!
Roberto F. Salazar-Córdova,
Los diputados de derecha de la región, en buen chileno, muestran la hilacha cuando no defienden a los que están contra la violencia.
El centro actúa de una forma similar.
La centro-derecha crea el vacío definitivo. Los países pierden estabilidad; las clasificadoras de riesgo internacionales miran un continente que se cae en pedazos en su economía mientras los políticos que defienden el mercado entregan sin pudor el estado.
Y está bien que los temas no son, actualmente, de derechas vs izquierdas; sin embargo, las cosas siempre serán las de la economía vs el desempleo. No hay justicia prometida que pueda ocurrir sobre un vacío.
La Región
Aquello estaba bastante afirmado en la región en los años 80. Latino-América, y América misma, se lo están farreando. Quizá Europa también lo está viviendo a su modo, en su forma, pero parecería que el liderazgo de la derecha en dichos países mutó hace rato, e hizo su propia evolución política.
Acá: hay desazón en Chile, Ecuador, Perú, Colombia, México, Bolivia, Argentina, Brasil, Estados Unidos, República Dominicana, Paraguay, Surinam, Nicaragua y otros países de América Central, y qué decir de Cuba y Venezuela; quizá hay menos incertidumbre en Canadá, Uruguay, Costa Rica, o incluso Panamá y el Caribe, pero se echa de menos un liderazgo regional que no muestre la hilacha.
La Situación
La situación no iba bien. Lo habíamos conversado en Noviembre de 2019, en Washington, cuando lanzábamos la Red Santa Cruz, que venía planificándose desde el año 2017 para ser lanzada en Marzo de 2020, teniendo que ser luego solo postergada, hasta Abril del 2020, cuando se suscitó la pandemia inesperada. Pero no nos engañemos por el COVID19. Las cosas ya venían mal.
Hoy que empezamos a salir del desconfinamiento, nos volvemos a enfrentar a la realidad. El mundo deja de estar en suspenso y vuelve a la desazón. Comenzamos ya un nuevo ciclo. La inmunidad de rebaño y la caída de la economía van dejando paso a la realidad del desempleo, de la falta de ingresos, pero también a algo más de fondo en lo estructural: la falta de acuerdos: la falta de un modelo. La falta de conexión con el ADN positivo.
La discusión
No es un momento de polarización o ideologías. Es un tiempo de verdad vs mentira. Bien se dice que vivimos el tiempo de la post-verdad, el post-modernismo, y el relativismo.
No puede ser que los políticos hagan del día a día sus prácticas de noches y noches de los cuchillos largos. Como en la vieja Alemania Nacional-Socialista. Cuando las purgas llearon a concentrar el poder, y cuando los grupos tradicionales mostraron la hilacha, en alemán, y dejaron que el país vaya para donde fue, y el mundo se fuera para donde se fue.
No es dable. No es aceptable.
La liberación
América puede ser un faro de libertad para el mundo una vez más. No se trata solo de un país, sino de todo un continente. Si caminar políticamente tiene algún sentido, debe ser para que América, en el Norte, Centro y el Sur, como “Nuevo Continente” debe iluminar la libertad, crear un imaginario para lo global. Asia tiene su modelo y es exitosa en su economía, pero deja mucho que desear en lo social, e incluso en lo político. Europa tiene su modelo y es relativamente exitosa en lo social, y quizá un poco menos en lo político, pero tiene problemas en lo económico, con la vieja y consabida Euro-Esclerosis.
Oceanía tiene su mundo aparte, literalmente, pero el futuro se mira con mucha atención en África, donde la cooperación y la inversión están generando un proceso valioso de salida de la pobreza, de construcción de una intelectualidad que comienza a brotar, como lo hizo antes en América Latina. La pobreza en África abunda. En América Latina estuvo a punto de desaparecer. La lucha en nuestro continente es por justicia, y está bien, pero no podemos dejar de competir frente a Asia y ahora frente al África, en busca de una justicia que puede no llegar si la derecha deja ver la hilacha y no construye una libertad justa.
La invitación
Es tiempo de sumar a los empresarios modernos, con visión regional y global.
Es tiempo de construir proyectos. Es tiempo de invertir con impacto. Es tiempo de asumir liderazgos políticos. De frente, desde lo empresarial, junto a las comunidades. No dejarlo todo en manos del estado. Ser libertarios. Liberales-libertarios. Construyendo un país de empleo y oportunidades, de asocios. El estado debe existir y ser fuerte, sin duda, pero debe devolverle el poder a los mercados y a las comunidades.
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